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An opportunistic marriage to a wealthy manufacturer's daughter rescues Jonathan Hopgate from the impoverished life of a drawing master, restoring him to his rightful position as the master of High Withens. But when he sets eyes on the exquisite Agnes Slane, distaste for his sickly new bride rapidly turns to revulsion - a revulsion that breeds poisonous desires ...



Kathleen Mangan is willing to do anything to escape her life of poverty within the walls of the notorious Resurrectionist Club - a whorehouse famed for its titillating blend of spiritualism and vampirism. Smitten with the good looks of Gabriel Feaver - master of ceremonies - Kathleen is drawn inexorably into the tangled web he weaves in his ruthless pursuit of fame and fortune.



A pawn in the game of 11th century power politics, Gwaina finds her own desires overlooked in her role as heir to Cornwall. Torn between the need to seize control of her own fate and desire for the one man she believes strong enough to rule alongside her, Gwaina tests the limitations of her female nature. Yet, in choosing the wrong partner, Gwaina faces losing everything, even her own identity ... until she meets her husband’s cousin, Mac Bethadh, a seasoned warrior with his own dynastic ambtions ...



The queen’s lover for more than two decades, a battle-weary Launcelot arrives at the castle of Astolat on his way to a tournament. Here, little suspecting the local baron’s hospitality has ulterior motives, he soon finds himself pursued by his host’s daughter. But in seeking to ameliorate his rejection of her amorous advances with a show of chivalry, the queen’s champion unwittingly sows the seeds of his own downfall.



An evocative story set in a middle-class Victorian society. Disturbingly menacing, its hint of the pre-Raphaelite verges on the decadent. 



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